Ready to Participate in Clinical Research from the Comfort of Your Own Home?

What is the ZYN study?

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of availability of different flavors of ZYN nicotine pouch products on cigarette usage over the course of 12 weeks.

If you choose to participate, you will be contacted by phone for a virtual visit every two weeks. This study is entirely remote and can be completed using the eResearch™ app on your mobile device.

The maximum compensation you may receive is $2,590.

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of availability of different flavors of ZYN nicotine pouch products on cigarette usage.

Your participation in this study will last approximately 12 weeks. Participants will be contacted by phone for a remote visit every two weeks.

If you agree to take part in this research study, information about your identity, health and your participation will be collected, recorded, and stored by study staff.

Rose Research Center, the FDA, Swedish Match, other health authorities, and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) may inspect your hard-copy and electronically stored research records which may include your name, address and other personal information that identifies you. If necessary, some of these records may be copied during these inspections.

The results of this research study may be presented at meetings or in publications. However, you will not be personally identified in any presentations or publications.

You will be compensated up to $2,590 for your time and inconvenience related to your participation in this study. If you do not complete the study, for any reason, you will be paid for the parts of the study you do complete according to the following schedule:

  • You will receive $20 for completing the first virtual screening visit. Then, you will receive an additional $25 upon completion of the second virtual screening visit ($45 total).
  • There will be a payment of $150 for supplying a urine sample for NNAL after the second virtual screening visit.
  • After all screening procedures are completed, and if you are eligible to continue in the study, you will receive $5 a day for responding to daily messages (for up to seven days) asking about the number of cigarettes you are smoking (max $35).
  • You will receive payment for completing the remote visits every two weeks in the following amounts:
    • $100 for remote baseline visit (start of product use period)
    • $150 for remote visits at week 2 and week 4 ($300 total)
    • $200 for remote visits at week 6 and week 8 ($400 total)
    • $250 for remote visits at week 10 and week 12 ($500 total)
  • At week 12, once we receive your urine sample, you will receive an additional payment of $150.
  • You will receive $10 for responding to questionnaires prior to each remote visit ($70 total).
  • You will receive $10 a day for responding to daily surveys through eResearch. In order to receive compensation, you will need to answer all of the questions before you receive your next survey. Daily surveys will be sent once per day for approximately 84 days ($840 total).

If participants are asked by study staff to complete any remote visits outside of the visit schedule above or redo parts of a visit due to equipment malfunctions or other circumstances that are beyond their control, they may be reimbursed for their time.

Participants who decide to withdraw from the study will be paid for the part of the study they have completed.

The study is being funded by Swedish Match.

The informed consent process provides you with the information required to ensure you make an informed decision about participation in the clinical research study. This process will:

  • Help you to understand the study
  • Give you an opportunity to ask questions and to consider whether to participate
  • Obtain your voluntary agreement to participate
  • Continue to provide information as the clinical research study progresses

Before participating, we will take you through a written Informed Consent Form (ICF) that outlines important information to consider before joining the study. The study staff will go through this document with you and answer any questions you may have. This document provides details of the study, such as study expectations, duration, and what you will need to do. All known possible risks and potential benefits are also explained in the ICF. After you have read and discussed all the information about the study, you can decide whether or not to digitally sign the consent form. This consent form is not a contract, and you are always free to leave the study at any time and for any reason, with no penalty to you. Additionally, during your participation, the study staff will let you know in a timely manner of any information that may change your mind about participating.

Ready to Get Started?

If you think this study might be a good fit for you, download the eResearch™ app through your mobile device, complete your profile, and a member of our staff will reach out to you!